Christina Ouillette


Moving to a new home can be an exciting but also overwhelming experience. There are many details to consider and tasks to complete, and it’s important to plan ahead to ensure a smooth and stress-free move. Staying organized is key to a relaxed move. Lists are helpful, and many moving companies provide checklists that will help remind you of all the things you need to do during a move. There are many sites and apps that offer moving tips and checklists.

Create a moving timeline: The first step in preparing to move is to create a timeline of all the tasks you need to complete. This may include packing, organizing, and purging your belongings, as well as arranging for the transport of your belongings and transferring utilities and other services. Having a clear timeline can help you stay organized and ensure that you don’t overlook any important tasks.

Purge and declutter: Before you start packing, it’s a good idea to go through your belongings and get rid of anything you no longer need or use. This can help reduce the amount of stuff you need to pack and move and can also help you save money on moving costs. Consider donating or selling items that you no longer need or use.

A month or more before you move, contact a moving company if you will be using professional movers. Ask friends for referrals. Get several quotes and ask for references. Be sure to check their coverage and be very specific about what their charges are and what is included. For instance, some movers charge more if stairs are involved, or if the move occurs during a weekend.

Arrange for the transport of your belongings: Once you have packed your belongings, it’s time to arrange for their transport to your new home. This may involve hiring a moving company, renting a truck, or enlisting the help of friends and family. Be sure to research and compare different options to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

Gather packing supplies: Once you have an idea of what you need to pack, it’s time to gather the necessary supplies. This may include boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and other protective materials. You can purchase these supplies or try to reuse boxes and other materials you already have. This is the time you want to start using up stores of frozen or canned food and cleaning supplies, as they can be inconvenient to move. Slowly start packing the things you aren’t using.

Pack efficiently: When packing, it’s important to be efficient and organized. Consider using labeled boxes and packing similar items together to make it easier to find things once you reach your new home. You may also want to consider packing an “essentials” box with items you’ll need immediately upon arriving at your new home, such as toiletries, bedding, and a change of clothes.

Be sure to consider the kids. If you are relaxed, they won’t get as tense, but they should be involved in the process. Keep them posted on the steps of the move and allow them to help by packing their own things. All kids struggle with a change in routine, so you’ll want to give them some extra attention. If possible, enlist other family members to help keep them busy and provide encouragement.

Be sure to watch out for your pets. Many animals escape during the commotion of a move. They should be kept in a closed room that is off-limits, or even sent to the house of a friend or relative. If a pet gets lost or injured, it will dramatically add to the stress of moving.

Videotaping or photographing your things is a good idea just in case you need to make an insurance claim. You may also want to record the condition of the walls in tight areas. Even the best moving companies can have mishaps.

You will want to keep certain things with you: small, valuable possessions such as jewelry, important documents, and a record of the serial numbers of all electronics. If you can, transport glassware and pictures yourself. This will reduce the potential for breakage and give you peace of mind. You should transport your house plants, and many people also prefer to move their own computers.

Update your address and transfer utilities: Don’t forget to update your address with the post office and other relevant organizations, such as your employer and financial institutions. You’ll also need to transfer utilities and other services to your new home, including utilities and Internet.

One of best ways to reduce stress during a move is to allow some extra time if at all possible. This means having a few days to move your possessions, and clean up the property before the new occupants move in. If time is short, clean as you pack: pack up a room, clean it, and close the door.

Unpack and settle into your new home: Once you arrive at your new home, it’s time to unpack and settle in. This may involve setting up your furniture, arranging your belongings, and getting to know your new neighborhood. Take some time to relax and get settled in your new home before jumping back into your usual routine.

Moving can be a stressful experience, but with careful planning and organization, you can make the process go smoothly and successfully transition to your new home. Look at your move as an adventure, a chance to get organized, and a chance to start fresh.

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